Happy Thursday Everyone....
A little update -MY random thoughts and CONTEST'S ON BOTTOM.........
Rita came and got the boys last evening for a few days.She has a few bruises from the accident and nikki has some fluid buildup but overall they are very blessed..Nancy is suppose to get to come home today or tomorrow..She will have a while before she will be back up,she has a god deal of lacerations and stitches on her face and arm from all the glass.Rita had took a few pics and i saw them.The expedition is just a mess!Totalled out.If you have thee types of vehicles please be careful...I as wel like them the room,ride smoothness and the look.But they are dangerous if you swerve or have blow outs etc.....The air bags did not deploy either.Check them.Theirs showed no sign of being messed up or not working,but when needed they did not deploy......And by all means make sure all kids are in seatbelt!!!!Thank god none of the kids were in it at this time,they were with me.
Hope all of you are watching our presidential candidates very closely.A lot is riding on them expecially right now.We are in the verge of a recession being announced i am certain.May as well name it what is....DEPRESSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I sicerely hope you are not voting on gender or color.I pray you vote for the best of them,no matter who they are..We need leadership in the finest form with values and morals to go with it..
I myself will be voting mccain.I like his leadership qualities,morals,beliefs,family attitude and the love he has for this country.Even though i am republican at this point in the game,had someone else been a better leader,they would have gotten my vote.I have carefully looked at all 3,and i just can not find it in me to go with anyone but mccain.I do not think hillary needs to run this country,and BILL surely does not need to be back in the white house.So i do not vote for a woman just because of who she is.I do not think obama is ready at this time.He is a smooth talker and seems to have good morals and leadership qualities,in 10 years he just might get my vote..BUT NOT NOW.
I am also pro-life.Somehow i can not vote for someone who does not treasure human life..Expecially in the most innoscent of ways.If it is a medical emergency to save a moms life,it should always be her decision...But in my opinion(MY OPINION-NO HATE MAIL PLEASE) any other form abortion is the destruction of a baby..no different than after it is born.It is a baby,pure and simple.If you are not ready for a baby give it up for adoption to a loving family..There are hundreds of thousands of them waiting for a baby or child to love and treasure......
The economy is so hanging by threads rigt now.So close to a collapse it could be scary.In a way it is.In a way i almost invite.The world is so full of greed right now,it just sickens me.I like to get ahead too,don't get me wrong,i think we all do.But go in the grocery store,buy your kids a suit,get lunch,BUY GAS, this is way out of hand.Somtimes i think this impending recession(DEPRESSION) is the way to put the brakes on.When most can not buy the products,you will see a change..But what is hard is the getting through to begin with.Plant gardens people,stock up on what you can to get by the first few months..it is going to get ugly...But not overcomeable...
Lot of good info online to help prepare,HEY if it don't happen ,AWESOME!!!!but if it does...you are prepared,,,,,,,
Have a great thursday and GOD BLESS................
Betty~Simply Southern
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~REAL WORLD MARTHA'S TIPS FROM A-Z AND CONTEST~~~~~~~~~~~
Was over at Real World Martha's she's got a really cool contest going on right now but as well has some really good a-z tips for us all.At the same time this kickin bbq recipe!!!!I am going to try this ,i have a bbq lovin family of men,soooo ...This weekend i am using her recipe...head over there readers ,look around,enter her contest and get some good advice while there!!
this is from the site below...........
Today’s tip is on Gift Giving. I have a recipe for a BBQ rub to make. This would be a great gift for Father’s Day, if your guy likes to BBQ or eat it (and who doesn’t?). Make sure to have a bottle to put this in or reuse an old spice bottle. You can make this in as big of quantities as you wish.
5 Parts Brown Sugar
3 Parts Chile Powder
1 Part Garlic Powder
1/2 Part Ground Thyme
1/4 Part Cayenne
1/4 Part Allspice
Mix it all together, place in bottle, and label it. You now have an inexpensive and wonderful homemade gift.
Have a “Spicy” Day.
Go over and say hello!!!!!!!!
Real World Martha's-CLICK HERE FOR A-Z
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~HEART OF THE MATTER!!!!!!!CHECK EM OUT!!!!!
What a HUGE contest going on at Heart of the Matter Online!! I can't list all of the prizes here because there are WAY too many, but here is the information on the contest itself .Mother's Day is fast approaching and we wanted to take this opportunity to bless one really special mom this year. In order to do that, we've teamed up with some fabulous companies who had that same desire. The package that has been put together will give mom everything she needs for the up and coming school year PLUS MORE!
Now, we fully believe that every mom deserves this package but since we can only give it to one mom here is what needs to be done....
Nominate the mom you believe deserves it the most. Is she a single mom? a military mom? a widow? a mom of a child with special needs? has she overcome certain obstacles? Let us know her story. Why does she deserve this package? What would it do for her family? Let us know and she could be the recipient ....
(please visit Heart of the Matter to check out ...
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Round # 2 Tonight! LoL,,win a cool tee
Make sure you check out all these great sites and while you are there enter the contest..there are some super cool items up to giveaway right now!!
GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!
~~~~~~~~WIN A TEE @ lyricandariasmom's !!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Up for grabs right now , is a great Women's Tee from SourPuss Clothing. This shirt is a Band Tee in a women's size Large. The shirt is a DAVID BOWIE ALLADIN SANE Tee. Made by Sourpuss.Light blue girly tee with red & blue David Bowie Alladin Sane. The shirt retails for $27.00 but one lucky reader of A Wrestling Addicted Mommy's Blog can win this for themselves.
All winners will be chosen using random.org, Contest closes April 30th 2008 at 8pm EST. Winners will be announced and contacted by May 1st 2008'''
sourpuss has some super punk goth clothing so you guys check them out!
Click to Enter @ lyricandariasmom's!
while your there!!!!!!!! ;)check this out!
To be eligible to win one of these cute Hooded Bunny Towels ($38.00 value) in your choice of blue or pink leave a comment on this post before April 18th telling me what other products on Barefoot Bella you like besides the Hooded Bunny Towels, as well as telling me which color of the Hooded Bunny Towel you'd like if you won.
Click to Enter @ lyricandariasmom's!
Contest: Barbie DVD Mariposa 20 DVD’s to Give Away!
http://pjmommy.com/-win a dvd
head over to pajamamommy's and check this out...
This is the full length DVD valued at $19.98 retail. Region 1. Which is Canada and US only. However if you are in another country please note that you may enter this contest as well if you can play a Region 1 DVD.
Now to enter the contest is simple! The recommended age group for this movie is 3 to 10 yrs of age.
We are excited as I’m sure most of our readers are to get this contest underway.
Contest Rules:
1. This contest is not restricted to US and Canada but to all of Pajama Mommy Readers.
2. You must comment on this post to gain entry.
wanna try and win one for your little princess???? then click on the link below and get at it!!!!!
http://pjmommy.com/-win a dvd
LADIES IF YOU NEED MAKE-UP /HAIR /NAIL HELP-LET SPANKEDELIC HELP!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Take a few minutes and look over her blog! you'll be glad you did!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~win an echo and the elephants dvd!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
li-kids.com-win dvd
LI Kids Contest: Win One of Three Echo and the Other Elephants DVDs
win a set of solar lights!!!!
go by and enter to win these..i signed up ,would love to win the set for the yard..my two little one's love to frog hunt and any other moving creature at night..they would enjoy this many times over through the summer!!!
home construction improovement-win some solar lights!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~MELINANUTSHELL.COM!!!!WIN 20.00~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
melinanutshell.com-enter here!!!
Would you like to win $20? Yep, you read right! I am giving away $20 (USD). Why you ask? Well, partly because I'm a little nutty & partly because this money is money Ive purely earned doing paid posts & id like to give some of that back to the people that visit my blog (& in turn generate more visitors - no its not all purely innocent).
First off let me say that you absolutely have to have a pay pal account to enter this comp, payment will ONLY be made via pay pal. You also need to have a blog - but that's it.
This comp will run for one month, finishing on the 3rd of May 2008. On the 4th of May ill allocate everyone numbers that's entered & use an online random number picking thingy to find the winner then notify ill notify them. ill also make a note below when the competition has closed.

GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!
~~~~~~~~WIN A TEE @ lyricandariasmom's !!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Up for grabs right now , is a great Women's Tee from SourPuss Clothing. This shirt is a Band Tee in a women's size Large. The shirt is a DAVID BOWIE ALLADIN SANE Tee. Made by Sourpuss.Light blue girly tee with red & blue David Bowie Alladin Sane. The shirt retails for $27.00 but one lucky reader of A Wrestling Addicted Mommy's Blog can win this for themselves.
All winners will be chosen using random.org, Contest closes April 30th 2008 at 8pm EST. Winners will be announced and contacted by May 1st 2008'''
sourpuss has some super punk goth clothing so you guys check them out!
Click to Enter @ lyricandariasmom's!
while your there!!!!!!!! ;)check this out!
To be eligible to win one of these cute Hooded Bunny Towels ($38.00 value) in your choice of blue or pink leave a comment on this post before April 18th telling me what other products on Barefoot Bella you like besides the Hooded Bunny Towels, as well as telling me which color of the Hooded Bunny Towel you'd like if you won.
Click to Enter @ lyricandariasmom's!
Contest: Barbie DVD Mariposa 20 DVD’s to Give Away!
http://pjmommy.com/-win a dvd
head over to pajamamommy's and check this out...
This is the full length DVD valued at $19.98 retail. Region 1. Which is Canada and US only. However if you are in another country please note that you may enter this contest as well if you can play a Region 1 DVD.
Now to enter the contest is simple! The recommended age group for this movie is 3 to 10 yrs of age.
We are excited as I’m sure most of our readers are to get this contest underway.
Contest Rules:
1. This contest is not restricted to US and Canada but to all of Pajama Mommy Readers.
2. You must comment on this post to gain entry.
wanna try and win one for your little princess???? then click on the link below and get at it!!!!!
http://pjmommy.com/-win a dvd
LADIES IF YOU NEED MAKE-UP /HAIR /NAIL HELP-LET SPANKEDELIC HELP!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Take a few minutes and look over her blog! you'll be glad you did!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~win an echo and the elephants dvd!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
li-kids.com-win dvd
LI Kids Contest: Win One of Three Echo and the Other Elephants DVDs
win a set of solar lights!!!!
go by and enter to win these..i signed up ,would love to win the set for the yard..my two little one's love to frog hunt and any other moving creature at night..they would enjoy this many times over through the summer!!!
home construction improovement-win some solar lights!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~MELINANUTSHELL.COM!!!!WIN 20.00~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
melinanutshell.com-enter here!!!
Would you like to win $20? Yep, you read right! I am giving away $20 (USD). Why you ask? Well, partly because I'm a little nutty & partly because this money is money Ive purely earned doing paid posts & id like to give some of that back to the people that visit my blog (& in turn generate more visitors - no its not all purely innocent).
First off let me say that you absolutely have to have a pay pal account to enter this comp, payment will ONLY be made via pay pal. You also need to have a blog - but that's it.
This comp will run for one month, finishing on the 3rd of May 2008. On the 4th of May ill allocate everyone numbers that's entered & use an online random number picking thingy to find the winner then notify ill notify them. ill also make a note below when the competition has closed.
Back Again~~~~Contest in Bloggville & some thoughts
Thankfully i am back again and ready to get blogging.Due to some personnel problems i have not had time to keep up my blog and sites but maybe now i can keep it up.The boys are doing well and the rest of my family.Rita and Nancy had a very bad wreck Saturday night near Hartford al. They said the seatbelt saved my daughter and unborn babies life(rita),she is 8 months pregnant and walked out with a few bruises and a headache!The baby shows no sign of distress at all.Nancy broke her back in 2 places,the 9th and 10th vertabraes.She is still in hospital but hopefully out this weekend.She also suffered cuts to her face all over and bruising.She was in back seat and did not have belt on .A cow ran out in front of them on the expedition,rita swerved,the tire blew out and they started flipping nose over end at least 8 times witnesses said.They were very lucky.Nikki,a friend,also was on board and suffered an arm injury and bruising,the truck flipped on his arm once before he reentered the vehicle.It was totalled...PLEASE....USE A SEATBELT AND CHILD SAFETY DEVICES,,,THEY CAN AND WILL SAVE YOUR LIFE.....
jULIE (daughter in law is expecting her and darrells firat baby any day now.They are having a little girl and they are so excited..and nannabee is too..lol...justin(nephew) and his fiancee are expecting my first grand nephew next month,,so a lot of little ones will be running around with billy and kolby very soon!
hope your week is well and safe.....
Betty~Simply Southern
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!CONTEST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To start the contest off here is one i'd like to win also! You know how everytime you go out to eat you have to decide where to put your purse ? And expecially with kids it is even more difficult? Well check this out and then go over and enter!!!!
win vinyl records!
WIN SOME VINYL!!!!check out these sounds.......
Drive-By Truckers ‘Brighter Than Creations Dark’, a Giveaway
posted by Tom in Alt-Country, Contests, Indie, Reviews, Rock
We’re giving away a copy of The Drive-by Truckers ‘Brighter Than Creations Dark’ plus a vinyl DBT reissue to FIVE lucky winners. See site for details.
click here~TWANGVILLE
This week's giveaway is sponsored by The Ivory Magnolia! You can win these wonderfully scented bath & body products by following the entry rules below. The soap is beautifully shaped like a magnolia blossom and almost seems a shame to use! But once you smell it, you won't think twice - you'll want to covered in that fabulous scent :)CLICK BELOW AND ENTER!
aaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwww any little girl would love these!!!
Win it! 1 MyMomShops reader will win a pair of Morgan & Milo pink sparkly Mary Janes (size 7.5 through 12) from My Princess Closet. Here are the contest rules:
1) To enter, please make a comment, any comment, on THIS post (click on "comments" below).
2) Post your comment by 11:59pm tomorrow, Wednesday, April 16th. One entry per person, please. US addresses only.
click below to enter!!!!good luck...
my mom shops--enter here
Redesign giveaway: HTC's new Shift UMPC
I WANT IT........I NEED IT.......JUST GOT TA HAVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Redesign giveaway: HTC's new Shift UMPC.............gUYS THIS IS ONE SWEETTTTTTTTT CONTEST...make sure you check it out quickly!!!!
It wouldn't be quite right to put everyone through the re-acclimation process if there wasn't some giveaway gear attached, now would it? So in honor of today's makeover and the launch of Switched we're giving away a spankin' new HTC Shift UMPC. You know the details of the machine already, read the rules below for your chance to take home that $1,500 HTC-made portable.
click below to read more!!!Entries can be submitted until Friday, April 18th, 11:59PM ET. Good luck!
engadget!!!click now
good luck to all of you and have a super wednesday!!!!!!!!!
jULIE (daughter in law is expecting her and darrells firat baby any day now.They are having a little girl and they are so excited..and nannabee is too..lol...justin(nephew) and his fiancee are expecting my first grand nephew next month,,so a lot of little ones will be running around with billy and kolby very soon!
hope your week is well and safe.....
Betty~Simply Southern
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!CONTEST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To start the contest off here is one i'd like to win also! You know how everytime you go out to eat you have to decide where to put your purse ? And expecially with kids it is even more difficult? Well check this out and then go over and enter!!!!
win vinyl records!
WIN SOME VINYL!!!!check out these sounds.......
Drive-By Truckers ‘Brighter Than Creations Dark’, a Giveaway
posted by Tom in Alt-Country, Contests, Indie, Reviews, Rock
We’re giving away a copy of The Drive-by Truckers ‘Brighter Than Creations Dark’ plus a vinyl DBT reissue to FIVE lucky winners. See site for details.
click here~TWANGVILLE
This week's giveaway is sponsored by The Ivory Magnolia! You can win these wonderfully scented bath & body products by following the entry rules below. The soap is beautifully shaped like a magnolia blossom and almost seems a shame to use! But once you smell it, you won't think twice - you'll want to covered in that fabulous scent :)CLICK BELOW AND ENTER!
aaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwww any little girl would love these!!!
Win it! 1 MyMomShops reader will win a pair of Morgan & Milo pink sparkly Mary Janes (size 7.5 through 12) from My Princess Closet. Here are the contest rules:
1) To enter, please make a comment, any comment, on THIS post (click on "comments" below).
2) Post your comment by 11:59pm tomorrow, Wednesday, April 16th. One entry per person, please. US addresses only.
click below to enter!!!!good luck...
my mom shops--enter here
Redesign giveaway: HTC's new Shift UMPC
I WANT IT........I NEED IT.......JUST GOT TA HAVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Redesign giveaway: HTC's new Shift UMPC.............gUYS THIS IS ONE SWEETTTTTTTTT CONTEST...make sure you check it out quickly!!!!
It wouldn't be quite right to put everyone through the re-acclimation process if there wasn't some giveaway gear attached, now would it? So in honor of today's makeover and the launch of Switched we're giving away a spankin' new HTC Shift UMPC. You know the details of the machine already, read the rules below for your chance to take home that $1,500 HTC-made portable.
click below to read more!!!Entries can be submitted until Friday, April 18th, 11:59PM ET. Good luck!
engadget!!!click now
good luck to all of you and have a super wednesday!!!!!!!!!
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