I hope you have a blessed and healthy year ahead.I am looking forward to it,struggles and all.Finances could be better BUT they could be a whole lot worse!I try to look at it that way and all at once it looks a lot better.The kids are all sick with the flu bug(and me)But this is very cure able with rest and meds..COULD BE A LOT WORSE.So many little ones have problems that are not cureable.Diabetes,cancer,tumors,aids,the list goes on and on.So i am very grateful to God for my blessings.I feel humbled by this..Very dependant on a God and Father that is always there.Always waiting for me to talk to him and let him know my problems,worries,concerns and desires....He has gave me hope and peace in a world that is far from that.He teaches us to give,not take.He shows us to love ,not hate.I may not agree with someone or their lifestyle,but i don't hate the person..You are to love and pray for them.I have found through this that more prayers are answered and more peace comes when peace cant be found...
There are a few things i want to do to the house this year if possible.A little more insulation as i can,windows repaired,bathroom finished.That would be nice,,lol,,I have got to get my car fixed ,having one vehicle is rough when it is gone most of the time.I am praying for high speed ..dial up is awful..yea i am still in pre historic dial up mode i am afraid.I live in a rural area that has no access to high speed other that satellite and i just have not broke down and spent the extra money each month yet,,but maybe this year.We shall see...
Rita and the 3 grand babies got moved into their apartment,Darrell and Julie and other grand baby just moved out into theirs.The house seems eerily quiet .only Zack,16 year old ,here now.I have cut down to 1 dog,great Pyrenees,just too expensive to keep the others.I am down to 3 chickens,7 ducks and the squirrels in the back yard..lol.simplicity my friend...The older i get the easier i think i want it.Hubby went hunting at day break,no meat but he is watching one.I do like deer meat and it cuts down on grocery cost as well.
I am going to begin this year again,lord wills,to make handmade items again maybe sell on etsy.I enjoy this and it does add up during the months to have a little more cash.I have a neighbors home i clean at 100.00 a month.I also do surveys here and there and enter contest/giveaways here in bloggville!I was able to add about 20 presents to family with the winnings this year!From lands end shoes,dvds,books,dolls,toys,games,journals,pens,dishes,pictures,even a play pen for charlie!So i do recommend entering,sure was a blessing to me and i do appreciate each and every blogger that puts these contest on.A BIG THANK YOU and yes!!!I pray for the works of my hands doing contest too.. ;) recommend as well.....
Happy New Year Everyone and may God Bless Us All!!!!
Betty Rood~Simply Southern
Searching for Paradise In God,Grand kids,firefly's and whippoorwills
momgiveaways has a huge list of contest and giveaways from around the blog!Updated regularly...
From Once Upon A qpon!
she has at least 1 envelope with about 50 coupons to give away! To enter this giveaway please look around the site and tell her what you like the best(other than giveaways!), and one thing you would change.
This giveaway will end Jan.4, 2009.
the 6 days of giving are going on,enter all the contest!
forgetfulone has a can of pledge up for grabs!Free cleaning supplies..yippeee..i can always use this!giving away one large bottle of Pledge Natural Beauty to one lucky reader!
Please leave a comment on this post no later than 11:59 CST, December 31, 2008. You get to be my first product winner for 2009!

naturalmomstalkradio has a Organic cotton baby t shirt by Mermapillar, size 6-12 months to give away! ends today.
craftstylish Ultimate Sewing Room! ends today.
onceuponaqpon Tan-Tastic Tangrams! a reproducible workbook with popout pieces in the back to use. ends today.
susannahbananaboutique win a 25.00 gc to paper shout!!!ends tomorrow

helpfulhallies has a 3-book Series for the little girl in you life from The Cupcakes Club ,hurry ends tomorrow.
also from helpfulhallies
check this out!time to relax and support a great cause!
Humanitas Wines Giveaway
Giveaway: Taste The Flavor of Wines From Humanitas Wines
In a joint effort to celebrate the re-launch of Mighty Miracle Mist and have some relaxing fun during this stressful Holiday time, Helpful Hallie's and CreateChatter Marketing & PR bring to you several fun website "Hunts"! The "Hunts" will include websites that may or may not be known to you, but deserve to be noticed! All of the websites are family-friendly and range from keeping you organized to helping out a great charity.
So... I know you are excited, so let's get started!
Humanitas Wines Giveaway
This wonderful giveaway definitely has the the over 21 crowd in mind - especially Moms & Dads since the Holiday season is coming to a close. Thank you to Bin Ends Wine for coordinating this giveaway with Humanitas Wines - a package of four wonderful wines made with care in mind.
Humantias Wines
(Value: $92.00)
Sauvignon Blanc
Cabernet Sauvignon
inot Noir
Humanitas is a unique winery with a very compelling story. Simply we make wine, sell it, and give the profits to charity!
Specifically, the profits go to find solutions to three very primary issues -- hunger, affordable housing and illiteracy -- and we've chosen America's Second Harvest, Habitat for Humanity and Reading is Fundamental as our primary charities. However, we try to support whatever charity best addresses these issues community by community.
humanitaswines click here to read more about them!
helpfulhallies while you are there win Win A wonderful set of spa products from Touch'd

win sticklers!Sticklers also makes a glaze pen. The glaze pen can be used to decorate CD's cards, photo albums, and so much more. Sakura, the company the created the Souffle and Glaze pen, is so excited about these products that they want you to try them out too. Ten lucky winners will each receive one Sticklers kit.
savinsome and The creator of Creation By Design is generously giving away five packs of cards. (Five winners will receive one pack of cards). To enter the giveaway visit mybiblecards.com
;;;also while there enter to win these nice contest too!!!
1>One lucky reader will win two sets of Ficklets.
2>One lucky reader will win a Wett Giggles product of their very own.
3.If you read her review here, you know that the Audio Recorder 2.0 and VHS to DVD are some really neat and handy items to have. One lucky reader will get one of each. .
blessedbarnharts see-kai-run-review-and-giveaway!ends jan 7th
mother-2-mother We have a copy of this wonderful DVD and a bonus CD for one of our readers..Swingset Mamas DVD Give Away .ends January 31, 2009.
wishingwillow-win a print!

If you have not tried Dollar Surveys yet, now is the time to do it when everyone can use extra money! Dollar Surveys pays you $1 per survey and it goes directly into your Paypal account. Yes, I have been paid and even though it is only $1, I appreciate any money being deposited into my Paypal account.
this is legit!!!!make sure you have a paypal account and use the correct email addy or you will not get paid!!!
betty r

mylifesahoot Train Case & Makeup Samples Giveaway!ends midnight tonight! hurry

feelslikehomeblog is giving away (what i want!)two Nintendo DS games. The Family Review Network and The Game Factory are giving away two Nintendo DS games - Zenses Ocean & Zenses Rainforest - to one lucky Feels like Home reader!ends jan 5th!
sassyfrazz is giving away the new Balance for Children homeopathic beverage~ an Australian flower-powered spring water!Black-Eyed Susan-Helps with focus and concentration and channelling of energy.
Crowea-Calms and helps with worry. Has a centering affect.
Bush Fuchsia-Balances the right-left hemispheres between being creative and analytic during the course of the day.
Paw-Paw-Helps prevent feeling overwhelmed. Also helps with digestion.
Would you like to win a 6-pack of Balance for Children???
bonggafinds has up for grabs the hottest thing to my billy and kolby since spiderman!!!i want it for them..On this last day of 2008, giving away an activity cd featuring one of my kids' favorite movies of 2008, Kung Fu Panda. Two winners will each receive a Panda-monium activity cd from HP. Each is filled with Kung Fu panda activities that you can print out and keep your kids engaged with:
Panda-monium music video
Photo/print projects
Frames and cards
Labels and stickers
Ringtones, screensavers and more.The contest ends at midnight PST on January 11, 2009
bonggafinds-win a disney mug!
bonggafinds=Today I'm giving away a Disney Photo Calendar (value $24.99)! One lucky reader will receive a coupon code redeemable for a Disney Photo Calendar on Disney Photopass (expires 1/31/09). contest ends jan 9th!
bonggafinds is giving away a Curly Qs Twinkle and Twirl Curl kit (value $55). One lucky commenter will win this gift package which includes their Curlie Cutie Cleansing Cream, Coconut Dream Conditioner, Moist Curls Moisturizer, Curly Q Milkshake and Radiant Ringlets. I reviewed their kids' haircare line recently and we've found that they are really great at taming and moisturizing your child's curly or wavy hair! The contest ends at midnight PST on January 7, 2009...
check this out!Today BonggaFinds is giving away a Leapfrog Didj to one lucky reader. And I do mean lucky, because my kids really love them some Didj. It's Leapster's latest and greatest toy, fusing learning and gaming. Just like the Leapster2, (I like to think of the Leapster2 as the Didj's younger sibling) , kids can play games featuring popular characters. The games incorporate math, reading and spelling, and parents can check on their kids' learning progress via the Leapfrog Learning Path.
sevendogsandababy has a cool contest for the kids!she has three copies of Transformers Energon : The Ultimate Collection to give away to our readers!hurry!contest will end Jan 15th at midnight!

sevendogsandababyalso has three copies of The Duchess to give away to her readers!
and check this out!!!kolby and billy would scream!she has three copies of both Power Rangers Jungle Fury dvds to give to her readers!
while you are there make sure you also enter these contest!!!!
>>>Oh duffel bag oh duffel bag! win it!(jan 15)
>>Briarpatch has been cool enough to give us one copy of Thomas Great Race to give away to one lucky reader..win it!!!(jan 15)
>>>a copy of Call of Duty World at War for the Nintendo Wii to give away to one lucky winner!ends jan 15th!
>>>the 1950s version of The Day The Earth Stood Still ,she has three copies to give away to some lucky readers!
>>One lucky reader will get all three-Madagascar -Kung Fu Panda with The Secrets of the Furious Five -shrek!!!!
more later!!!
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