Hello readers,
Wishing you and your's a wonderful,healthy,safe and blessed by God in the new year ahead.Wanted to add afew contest this morning ,will be out the door later to eat at mom's with the rest of the family.
Happy Weekened and good luck to all of you entering!Don't forget to check my previous blog''the watcher'' for some very nice contest on bottom as well!
God Bless You All,
~Betty~Simply Southern
CONTEST TIME~~~~~~~~~~CONTEST TIME~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CONTEST TIME~
nerdapproved contest!
Contest Reminder: Vat 19 Holiday Giveaway - Only 3 Days Left
(((((((i so want to win this flying alarm clock!!!!!Guys want ever want me to wake them after this!!!!!))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Another friendly reminder that our holiday giveaway featuring a flying alarm clock, 5-for-1 Beer Glass, and a Kufra Pitcher from Vat19 is winding down. Just send us an email (contests@nerdapproved.com) with the subject “Nerd Approved Vat19 Holiday Giveaway.” In the body, briefly tell us about your favorite gadget featured on Nerd Approved and why you love it. Winners will be chosen at random on December 31st. It’s stupid and its free —so get on it!
nerdapproved contest!
little fun little learning
Here it is . . . giveaway #4. This giveaway is from Thrifty Mommy. Included in the giveaway are two books - The Prayer of Jabez for Kids and A Life God Rewards for Kids. Both books are written by Bruce Wilkinson. The value of this package is $19.98.
You have a chance to enter this contest twice. Here's how:
1) Leave a comment below.
2) Post about this giveaway on your site. This will count as another entry in the contest, but a separate ...click below to read more and enter!
little fun little learning
praise and coffee
Hello friends!
I can tell that I am not the only one trying to recover from Christmas and get ready for New Years. Things are pretty quiet out in the blogging world!
But, I wanted to give a shout out to you and let you know that I am thinking about you and excited about some things coming up this year!
First, I want to let you know that I will be doing monthly giveaways of Praise and Coffee!
They will start on the 1st of every month and finish on the 10th of that month.
The giveaway will include (but not be limited to) a praise CD and a bag of coffee.
I will have a button available for anyone who wants to add the giveaway to their blog.
Cleo on "Webkinz"
I've changed the date of my giveaway to January 15:
Mommy Has To Stay In Bed is available online at Amazon.com and Barnes&Noble, but you don't have to let your fingers do the walking any further than the comment section of this post, because I have two copies of this delightful book to give away to two lucky winners. Just leave me a comment about why you'd love this book, or who you'd give it to, and I'll draw two names on January 15, 2008.
feefifoto contest
facipiers contest!
I told you I would give something away, and By-Golly I will! We have up for grabs a Girlz Connect Destiny for age 8 and up! How can you win? Just visit my other blog... (You know, the Punkin' one), and pick your favorite review from all the reviews done in 2007. You can browse the categories on the side for easier pickins! Then pop back over here to this post, and leave a............click below to read more!
facipiers & stinkytoes contest!
blessed toys
Jesus Doll Giveaway Information:
We have just found a small supply of our thought to be sold out talking Jesus dolls.
To celebrate, we are giving away one free talking Jesus doll to the
first 100 children that write to us about what Christmas means to them.
Parents please have your children send their letters to:
Jesus Doll Giveaway
28010 Industry Drive
Valencia, CA 91355
Include your name, address, age and phone number with your letter.
No purchase necessary, open to residents of the US only.
Letters must be postmarked by 1/15/08 to qualify.
First one hundred letters received will win.
win a really neat pattern!!!
stacy sews!
A few weeks ago, I ordered a pattern - I thought I had purchased the new Jalie Sweetheart Neckline top (24794), but instead, I accidently ordered the Jalie Crossover Top (2449). While this is definitely one of my favorite patterns, I don't need two. So, I'm giving this one away. Just leave a comment in this entry and I'll put your name into the hat for this pattern - I'll draw a name on January 1, 2008 (I figure it's a good way to start the new year). Good luck!
Now that you’ve opened your presents and saw that you were loved enough to receive a Garmin take a moment to leave a comment below and subscribe to our feed to win a ToughSkin case from Speck.
We’re giving away two Garmin Nuvi cases from Speck. They’ll fit on the Nuvi 200, 250, 260, and 270. One of them is black, the other is white.
To win all you need to do leave a comment below and of course fill-in your email address so we can reach you. Double entries will be disqualified. That includes IP addresses too.
We’ll close this post for comments one week from today. Good luck.
mod*mom giveaway :: 10 taro gomi doodle all year books $170
chronicle books is celebrating the debut of taro gomi's doodle all year book by giving 10 books to mod*mom readers! to enter to win a copy of doodle all year, tell me in the comments...
by midnight january
also chronicle books is having a contest to win the complete set of taro gomi creative collection 5 grand prize winners will be awarded a deluxe set of art materials, a limited edition print autographed by Taro Gomi, the Taro Gomi creativity collection of books from Chronicle Books, including squiggles, doodle all year, doodles + scribbles
the contest is open to doodlers + scribblers of all ages grand prize winners will be selected by taro gomi. enter today! (entries must be post-marked by may 15, 2008)
• print out 1 of these pages from squiggles + create your best artwork following the prompt in the upper right-hand corner. use any art medium. have fun! add your name + e-mail address in the space provided on the sheet. put your entry in an envelope + mail it to the chronicle books address listed.click below to read more!
mod mom
We have the following to give away to one lucky winner!
A Rock Band™ t-shirt
Rock Band™ stickers
A pair of Rock Band™ drumsticks
**TO WIN**
Email us your name and mailing address, with subject title "Rock Band™ goodies" to contest.indiependentmusic@gmail.com. We would love to keep this for ourselves but someone has to win this!thats all! dec 31st deadline!
e Christmas goodies for you cheapskates. We've got 4 pairs of Idiot Pilot album cover stickers to give away. Email us at contest.indiependentmusic@gmail.com with the subject title "I AM AN IDIOT FAN" including your full name and mailing address. Get their latest album "WOLVES" now.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Thursday, December 27, 2007
The Watcher...2008 (contest on bottom)
2008,Right around the corner now.I reflect on year's past,mistakes made and accomplisments finished.Dissapointments and tear's,achievements and laughter.New additions in the family and new one's one way for 2008.As well as the new one's that would have been but never made it.These little one's in Heaven now ,i am left with a sorrowful heart that i never got to hold them .While at the same time glad they are with Jesus above now,laughing and having a great time awaiting the rest of us down here that have put our trust in Jesus.I am referring to abortion,not me ,but of another family member.The babies are my grandchildren that i didn't get too hold.I named him September ,the month i lost him.One day in Heaven i shall get too know him i am assured through my father.
For the past 11 months i have been raising our 2 grandsons ,Kolby age 2 full time and Billy ,age 5 ,split time with the other nanna.It has been difficult at times ,due to health problems i have as well as the other stress going on around me now,but i am glad this is the way it is .I know where my grandbabies are and they are fine.They have love,food,learning about Jesus and a home of their own.It has been an unplanned transistion of middle age becoming parent again,but it has been the most wonderful blessing i could have gotten .They are now my strength,They need me so i must stay strong for them.
Drugs as well have taken their toll on a family member.Meth is becoming ,or has become ,a destructive killer.It is very addictive to even the strongest wills if ever allowed into a person.If you do not want to be an addict,NEVER BEGIN!For over 5 years now meth has been an intruder in my family.Takes common sence and throws it all away until you are left with a demented picture of reality that only you,the addict,can comprehend.This reality is a mixture of paranoid dillusions,half truths,anger,rebellion taken as survival,health issues,and complete resentment of anyone who tries to help you ,even out of love.Anyone that tries to show the trueth to you is cut off,new friends or old one's with the same addictive personality ,are the only one's you will stay around.They make you feel better about the choices you have made instead of allowing you guilt and pain ..Two of the things that just may allow you to free yourself from this deadly foe.Friend please don't be confused...You do meth,Meth becomes you ...You are lost even to your own self and family.
Alcohol as well will steal you away.The same as with drugs,just cheaper to buy and readily available for your consumption.People usually begin drinking just for the fun of it.At parties and socials with your closest friends.Some begin drinking just too try and make it easier to deal with painful situations.This is the worse in my opinion.I have seen more lost to the addiction in this matter than any other.The more you hurt ,the more you drink.It does not make it easier really,just puts off the ineveitable chore of dealing with it.
Life is hard for most any of us anymore.When you have to be the person who lives or loves one or more of these addicts,it is ten times harder.You become the peacekeeper,the watcher shall we say.We must stand by and watch your life be eaten away day by day and seem helpless to stop it.While at the same time ,expecially if it is inside your home,babysit the situation constantly to keep it under control as much as possible.Tempers flare,patience is at it's lowest due to the same thing happening over and over with this person.Other's have ran out of patience for the excuses and the apologies that are unfelt any more.
Prayers have held you up until you yourself wonder''Are you there''? You know God is but you wonder why an answer has not come..Don't get me wrong,in my heart i know he is and it will happen at God's timing.But with our human nature we wonder...We Don't doubt,it just happens.
I wonder why my daughter can't see all that has happened and know why we can't just act like it is ok now anymore.Those days are over.She must stand up strongly and fix this mess,and it want work just by saying ''it want ever happen again''.
Rehabilitation of some kind must be taken,too ensure a greater chance of her complete recovery.She must make new friends instead of hanging on too the very one's that are just as weak as herself.She must learn too stand on her own two feet instead of needing a man there constantly,any man.These things she seems to be blinded by.The need for a life different than what she has had.I pray and hope for her.She is not a bad person,she can have one of the biggest ,given freely,hearts i have seen.But she has hidden it deep away,or rather drugs have.The results of the drug use are there,memory problems,easy to anger,confusion,resentment,blaming others for the problems and pain she has placed on us...No honest look at now.
Life has a way of making us look really deep inside ourselves.We can choose to learn from it by taking all the pain upon ourselves and trying to make sure this never happens again ,or we can choose to look for other reasons that this happened.Someone hurt us somewhere down the line,someone said mean words,took something from us.
You know that is where i have a probem with mental help .Most of them try and find out the REAL UNDERLYING REASON this HAD to happen to you.And thus making an excuse to the person for things being this way.From why you have destructive thooughts to inflicting pain on others.Instead of making that person realize they are in control of their future by the choice's they make ,they almost excuse it,thus making them empowered to do it again,simply because someone ,somewhere,in their past caused this.
''it's not their fault'' THEY SAY!!!!!!!!!!
I DISAGREE SO BADLY ON THIS.I have had some really bad things happen to me through my life.Rape,drugs,abuse-mental and physical over and over,theft,alcohol,much anything you can think of.DOES THAT EXCUSE ANYTHING I DO?????? NO ,NO,NO.
Can i use this as a learning tool? YES.
Anything that does not kill you can and will empower you for positive actions.The choice is your's to either become the victim and find more victims ,or be the one to overcome.I choose to live my life as full as i can.I try and help, not be the deciever of friends.I choose to trust God and allow him to help me grow and change my life.I choose to forgive pain instead of letting it eat me alive.I choose to love.
What will 2008 hold for me? What are my plans? Stay tuned for next blog>>>>
Betty~Simply Southern
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CONTEST LINKS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
GIVEAWAY: Pedometer
With the new year coming, many will probably make losing weight a part of their New Year's Resolutions.
In an effort to help you meet one of your goals, I am giving three pedometers away.
If you don't know what a pedometer is, it's a handy little gadget to count your steps. So you can walk off the weight.
To enter this giveaway, just leave me a comment below.
If you blog about the giveaway, you'll get a second entry. (this step is optional).
This giveaway ends December 31st at 11:59 p.m. EST
Head over to laura's!!!
-------->>>>>>>HERE COMES THE TURTLE----->>>PRESENTING KOOPA!---->>>>
I added this contest a ways back but i like koopa so much i am adding him to this new one!Koopa paints...you just have to see this.And right now they have a contest going on to win one of these.....
Enter by December 31, 2007 for your chance to win one of three original abstract Koopa paintings..
Here's how to Enter
Got a website or blog? Great! You're halfway there
Now to read more and find out all about koopa,follow this link and be amazed!They are gorgeous..I am trying to win one for my home..I am an avid animal lover so these are special to me.....So make sure you get there by dec. 31st and win a one of a kind KOOPA PAINTHING!!!!!!!
Giveaway: 2008 Hawaiian Pictorial Wall Calendar
I was cleaning out my closet today and realized that I still have three 2008 Hawaiian Pictorial Calendars left. Want one?
Just leave a comment below before midnight on December 31st. That's it! Three random winners will be selected and notified on January 1st.
This is just the most beautiful bassinett i have ever saw!I would love to win this with the new grandbabies coming along in march and april.They will be here a lot and this would be so very nice...Guys make sure you go by and enter....
mod*mom giveaway :: modern bassinet $360
baby star is offering an adorable classic white modern bassinet by cariboo!
this is my favorite bassinet ever. i LOVE it's simple classic design + quality.
to enter to win a cariboo classic white modern bassinet, tell me in the comments, what baby star products are your favorites + why?
(include your email address + web url so i can contact you when you win!)
before midnight, new year's eve, monday december 31
modmom giveaway!
5 minutes for mom!!
I love linen contest!
just by chance found a link over to i love linen!Beautiful..make sure you bookmark her to come again!
I'm posting is because I did indeed mention a give away this past week. I'm feeling extra generous lately. Must be the holidays still buzzing around in my head, ah yes and tomorrow is a special day for me. (You'll find out why tomorrow. ^_^) Plus, I like to liven things up around here a bit and also people delurk and say "hello" which is really cool too.
So here it is:
Last time I picked one person, but this time I will pick 3 people!
now click here to visit and enter......
I love linen contest!
You’re just minutes away from your customized Christian reference library (and $25 of product FREE). START NOW! EZONDERVAN
1. Visit the eZondervan store*ABOVE .
2. Browse from over 70 products. Enter the source code(AVZCS8) to get your FREE product.
3. Pick your delivery option:
• Immediate download.
• Custom CD-ROM shipped to you.
Use code AVZCS8 at checkout.
One-time use per household.
Offer ends December 31, 2007.
you must pay shipping but can get up to 25.00 free!
Designer Credit: Michelle Pieters
laced with grace
As 2008 approaches, we wanted to thank our readers with this little giveaway. We pray that God will continue to use the team blog to encourage you in your walk with Him.
The package will include a Women of Faith study Bible (NIV/Hardcover); Lisa Whelchel’s Bible study tool for busy moms; a coffee mug from “Mugs of Truth“; the DVD “The Nativity Story“; the book “Love and Respect“; and a music CD by Becky Knight, who just released her first CD.
You can sign up to win this package through Jan 1st. Link from your blog to this post and sign Mr. Linky below. If you don’t have a blog, you can still participate. Just share the giveaway with your friends and encourage them to stop by. We will announce the winner on Jan 2nd, 2008.
laced with grace =click here
mommy knows is giving away TWO Ju-Ju-Be MiniBe Diaper Bags! Value $140 USD
The 1st Winner will be choosen randomly from all new comments posted between now and January 1, 2008.
The 2nd Winner will be choosen randomly from all the bloggers that post about this contest on their websites (make sure to come back leave a link in the comments section, so I know who you are).
Mommy Knows!
Kim the owner of thebabymarketplace.com - a great online spot for Baby Clothing, Shoes, Toys, Gifts and Cloth Diapers is hosting the December JuJuBe Diaper Bag Give-Away @ mommyknows.com go on over and comment and be entered to Win one of two great JuJuBe MiniBe Diaper Bags!
Giveaway Sponsored By The Body Shop
It’s giveaway time again here at Spoiled Pretty. Which means another opportunity to win fabulous prizes! This time, we’re partnering with The Body Shop.
One first place winner will receive a spa in a box; the Spa Wisdom Rainforest Paradise Gift includes: 8.5 fl oz Spa Wisdom Dreamboat Milk Bath, 8.5 oz Spa Wisdom on a High Hydrating Puree, 12 oz Spa Wisdom Africa Spa Salt Scrub, and a delicate Pink PEVA Flower Lily. (a $65 value)
A runner-up will win sugar and spice and everything nice, with must-haves from the Body Shop Vanilla Spice range. The Vanilla Spice Quartet Gift includes: 1.7 oz Vanilla Spice Body Butter, 4.2 oz Vanilla Spice Body Lotion, 0.3 oz Vanilla Spice Lip Balm, 3.5 oz Vanilla Spice Soap. ($25 value)
To enter the contest, leave a comment in the comments section below by 9 pm EST on Wednesday, January 2nd
spoiled pretty
Win a $100 Tiny Prints gift certificate. This contest closes at midnight, EST December 31, 2007
modmom contest!
A big welcome to all of our new readers - and what a month you picked to become readers.
Because if you sign up to receive the CMP monthly newsletter, filled with exclusive discounts, giveaways just for subscribers, and product picks you won't see on our site, we'll make it even more worth your while.
the opinionated parent contest
The Caboose is extremely easy to use and requires nothing other than itself and the diapers you have anyway. Invented by industrious American stay at home mom Suzy Smithson and produced right in her native USA (not China!), it consists of two hard plastic clam shells that fit together with any size and brand of disposable diaper tucked strategically under the rails.
The cleanup couldn’t be easier - just wipe, drop the wipe in the diaper, fold up the diaper and throw it away. I like to pre-load mine after cleaning so it’s all ready for the next time. So much better than some other models I’ve seen that use a transparent zip-lock bag which you then zip up and carry around until you find a garbage. Ew.
Another inspiring story of a mom with a vision who follows it through and makes the lives of other parents easier. I love it!
Win a Caboose for your cutie patootie! To enter the random
click to read more and enter
the opinionated parent contest
2008,Right around the corner now.I reflect on year's past,mistakes made and accomplisments finished.Dissapointments and tear's,achievements and laughter.New additions in the family and new one's one way for 2008.As well as the new one's that would have been but never made it.These little one's in Heaven now ,i am left with a sorrowful heart that i never got to hold them .While at the same time glad they are with Jesus above now,laughing and having a great time awaiting the rest of us down here that have put our trust in Jesus.I am referring to abortion,not me ,but of another family member.The babies are my grandchildren that i didn't get too hold.I named him September ,the month i lost him.One day in Heaven i shall get too know him i am assured through my father.
For the past 11 months i have been raising our 2 grandsons ,Kolby age 2 full time and Billy ,age 5 ,split time with the other nanna.It has been difficult at times ,due to health problems i have as well as the other stress going on around me now,but i am glad this is the way it is .I know where my grandbabies are and they are fine.They have love,food,learning about Jesus and a home of their own.It has been an unplanned transistion of middle age becoming parent again,but it has been the most wonderful blessing i could have gotten .They are now my strength,They need me so i must stay strong for them.
Drugs as well have taken their toll on a family member.Meth is becoming ,or has become ,a destructive killer.It is very addictive to even the strongest wills if ever allowed into a person.If you do not want to be an addict,NEVER BEGIN!For over 5 years now meth has been an intruder in my family.Takes common sence and throws it all away until you are left with a demented picture of reality that only you,the addict,can comprehend.This reality is a mixture of paranoid dillusions,half truths,anger,rebellion taken as survival,health issues,and complete resentment of anyone who tries to help you ,even out of love.Anyone that tries to show the trueth to you is cut off,new friends or old one's with the same addictive personality ,are the only one's you will stay around.They make you feel better about the choices you have made instead of allowing you guilt and pain ..Two of the things that just may allow you to free yourself from this deadly foe.Friend please don't be confused...You do meth,Meth becomes you ...You are lost even to your own self and family.
Alcohol as well will steal you away.The same as with drugs,just cheaper to buy and readily available for your consumption.People usually begin drinking just for the fun of it.At parties and socials with your closest friends.Some begin drinking just too try and make it easier to deal with painful situations.This is the worse in my opinion.I have seen more lost to the addiction in this matter than any other.The more you hurt ,the more you drink.It does not make it easier really,just puts off the ineveitable chore of dealing with it.
Life is hard for most any of us anymore.When you have to be the person who lives or loves one or more of these addicts,it is ten times harder.You become the peacekeeper,the watcher shall we say.We must stand by and watch your life be eaten away day by day and seem helpless to stop it.While at the same time ,expecially if it is inside your home,babysit the situation constantly to keep it under control as much as possible.Tempers flare,patience is at it's lowest due to the same thing happening over and over with this person.Other's have ran out of patience for the excuses and the apologies that are unfelt any more.
Prayers have held you up until you yourself wonder''Are you there''? You know God is but you wonder why an answer has not come..Don't get me wrong,in my heart i know he is and it will happen at God's timing.But with our human nature we wonder...We Don't doubt,it just happens.
I wonder why my daughter can't see all that has happened and know why we can't just act like it is ok now anymore.Those days are over.She must stand up strongly and fix this mess,and it want work just by saying ''it want ever happen again''.
Rehabilitation of some kind must be taken,too ensure a greater chance of her complete recovery.She must make new friends instead of hanging on too the very one's that are just as weak as herself.She must learn too stand on her own two feet instead of needing a man there constantly,any man.These things she seems to be blinded by.The need for a life different than what she has had.I pray and hope for her.She is not a bad person,she can have one of the biggest ,given freely,hearts i have seen.But she has hidden it deep away,or rather drugs have.The results of the drug use are there,memory problems,easy to anger,confusion,resentment,blaming others for the problems and pain she has placed on us...No honest look at now.
Life has a way of making us look really deep inside ourselves.We can choose to learn from it by taking all the pain upon ourselves and trying to make sure this never happens again ,or we can choose to look for other reasons that this happened.Someone hurt us somewhere down the line,someone said mean words,took something from us.
You know that is where i have a probem with mental help .Most of them try and find out the REAL UNDERLYING REASON this HAD to happen to you.And thus making an excuse to the person for things being this way.From why you have destructive thooughts to inflicting pain on others.Instead of making that person realize they are in control of their future by the choice's they make ,they almost excuse it,thus making them empowered to do it again,simply because someone ,somewhere,in their past caused this.
''it's not their fault'' THEY SAY!!!!!!!!!!
I DISAGREE SO BADLY ON THIS.I have had some really bad things happen to me through my life.Rape,drugs,abuse-mental and physical over and over,theft,alcohol,much anything you can think of.DOES THAT EXCUSE ANYTHING I DO?????? NO ,NO,NO.
Can i use this as a learning tool? YES.
Anything that does not kill you can and will empower you for positive actions.The choice is your's to either become the victim and find more victims ,or be the one to overcome.I choose to live my life as full as i can.I try and help, not be the deciever of friends.I choose to trust God and allow him to help me grow and change my life.I choose to forgive pain instead of letting it eat me alive.I choose to love.
What will 2008 hold for me? What are my plans? Stay tuned for next blog>>>>
Betty~Simply Southern
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CONTEST LINKS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
GIVEAWAY: Pedometer
With the new year coming, many will probably make losing weight a part of their New Year's Resolutions.
In an effort to help you meet one of your goals, I am giving three pedometers away.
If you don't know what a pedometer is, it's a handy little gadget to count your steps. So you can walk off the weight.
To enter this giveaway, just leave me a comment below.
If you blog about the giveaway, you'll get a second entry. (this step is optional).
This giveaway ends December 31st at 11:59 p.m. EST
Head over to laura's!!!
-------->>>>>>>HERE COMES THE TURTLE----->>>PRESENTING KOOPA!---->>>>
I added this contest a ways back but i like koopa so much i am adding him to this new one!Koopa paints...you just have to see this.And right now they have a contest going on to win one of these.....
Enter by December 31, 2007 for your chance to win one of three original abstract Koopa paintings..
Here's how to Enter
Got a website or blog? Great! You're halfway there
Now to read more and find out all about koopa,follow this link and be amazed!They are gorgeous..I am trying to win one for my home..I am an avid animal lover so these are special to me.....So make sure you get there by dec. 31st and win a one of a kind KOOPA PAINTHING!!!!!!!
Giveaway: 2008 Hawaiian Pictorial Wall Calendar
I was cleaning out my closet today and realized that I still have three 2008 Hawaiian Pictorial Calendars left. Want one?
Just leave a comment below before midnight on December 31st. That's it! Three random winners will be selected and notified on January 1st.
This is just the most beautiful bassinett i have ever saw!I would love to win this with the new grandbabies coming along in march and april.They will be here a lot and this would be so very nice...Guys make sure you go by and enter....
mod*mom giveaway :: modern bassinet $360
baby star is offering an adorable classic white modern bassinet by cariboo!
this is my favorite bassinet ever. i LOVE it's simple classic design + quality.
to enter to win a cariboo classic white modern bassinet, tell me in the comments, what baby star products are your favorites + why?
(include your email address + web url so i can contact you when you win!)
before midnight, new year's eve, monday december 31
modmom giveaway!
5 minutes for mom!!
I love linen contest!
just by chance found a link over to i love linen!Beautiful..make sure you bookmark her to come again!
I'm posting is because I did indeed mention a give away this past week. I'm feeling extra generous lately. Must be the holidays still buzzing around in my head, ah yes and tomorrow is a special day for me. (You'll find out why tomorrow. ^_^) Plus, I like to liven things up around here a bit and also people delurk and say "hello" which is really cool too.
So here it is:
Last time I picked one person, but this time I will pick 3 people!
now click here to visit and enter......
I love linen contest!
You’re just minutes away from your customized Christian reference library (and $25 of product FREE). START NOW! EZONDERVAN
1. Visit the eZondervan store*ABOVE .
2. Browse from over 70 products. Enter the source code(AVZCS8) to get your FREE product.
3. Pick your delivery option:
• Immediate download.
• Custom CD-ROM shipped to you.
Use code AVZCS8 at checkout.
One-time use per household.
Offer ends December 31, 2007.
you must pay shipping but can get up to 25.00 free!
Designer Credit: Michelle Pieters
laced with grace
As 2008 approaches, we wanted to thank our readers with this little giveaway. We pray that God will continue to use the team blog to encourage you in your walk with Him.
The package will include a Women of Faith study Bible (NIV/Hardcover); Lisa Whelchel’s Bible study tool for busy moms; a coffee mug from “Mugs of Truth“; the DVD “The Nativity Story“; the book “Love and Respect“; and a music CD by Becky Knight, who just released her first CD.
You can sign up to win this package through Jan 1st. Link from your blog to this post and sign Mr. Linky below. If you don’t have a blog, you can still participate. Just share the giveaway with your friends and encourage them to stop by. We will announce the winner on Jan 2nd, 2008.
laced with grace =click here
mommy knows is giving away TWO Ju-Ju-Be MiniBe Diaper Bags! Value $140 USD
The 1st Winner will be choosen randomly from all new comments posted between now and January 1, 2008.
The 2nd Winner will be choosen randomly from all the bloggers that post about this contest on their websites (make sure to come back leave a link in the comments section, so I know who you are).
Mommy Knows!
Kim the owner of thebabymarketplace.com - a great online spot for Baby Clothing, Shoes, Toys, Gifts and Cloth Diapers is hosting the December JuJuBe Diaper Bag Give-Away @ mommyknows.com go on over and comment and be entered to Win one of two great JuJuBe MiniBe Diaper Bags!
Giveaway Sponsored By The Body Shop
It’s giveaway time again here at Spoiled Pretty. Which means another opportunity to win fabulous prizes! This time, we’re partnering with The Body Shop.
One first place winner will receive a spa in a box; the Spa Wisdom Rainforest Paradise Gift includes: 8.5 fl oz Spa Wisdom Dreamboat Milk Bath, 8.5 oz Spa Wisdom on a High Hydrating Puree, 12 oz Spa Wisdom Africa Spa Salt Scrub, and a delicate Pink PEVA Flower Lily. (a $65 value)
A runner-up will win sugar and spice and everything nice, with must-haves from the Body Shop Vanilla Spice range. The Vanilla Spice Quartet Gift includes: 1.7 oz Vanilla Spice Body Butter, 4.2 oz Vanilla Spice Body Lotion, 0.3 oz Vanilla Spice Lip Balm, 3.5 oz Vanilla Spice Soap. ($25 value)
To enter the contest, leave a comment in the comments section below by 9 pm EST on Wednesday, January 2nd
spoiled pretty
Win a $100 Tiny Prints gift certificate. This contest closes at midnight, EST December 31, 2007
modmom contest!
A big welcome to all of our new readers - and what a month you picked to become readers.
Because if you sign up to receive the CMP monthly newsletter, filled with exclusive discounts, giveaways just for subscribers, and product picks you won't see on our site, we'll make it even more worth your while.
the opinionated parent contest
The Caboose is extremely easy to use and requires nothing other than itself and the diapers you have anyway. Invented by industrious American stay at home mom Suzy Smithson and produced right in her native USA (not China!), it consists of two hard plastic clam shells that fit together with any size and brand of disposable diaper tucked strategically under the rails.
The cleanup couldn’t be easier - just wipe, drop the wipe in the diaper, fold up the diaper and throw it away. I like to pre-load mine after cleaning so it’s all ready for the next time. So much better than some other models I’ve seen that use a transparent zip-lock bag which you then zip up and carry around until you find a garbage. Ew.
Another inspiring story of a mom with a vision who follows it through and makes the lives of other parents easier. I love it!
Win a Caboose for your cutie patootie! To enter the random
click to read more and enter
the opinionated parent contest
Monday, December 24, 2007
Christmas festivities & RevoLOUtion~a new concept in movies!
Gifts have all been unwrapped and toys in the rooms.Paper piled high for recyclying,Food enough for tomorrow as well...We had a really blessed day.The entire family was here together.I laughed so hard at the laughter of the grandkids,Still sooooo easy to please at age 2 and 5.I am glad this is over,i do so love it but the older i get the more exhausted afterwards i am.
Billy was so happy his mom was here when he woke up,this made his morning,and of course the note that santa and rudolph replied back too(thanks to julie..lol).
I sincerely hope each and every one of you have a happy,healthy,blessed christmas...
Time to relax a little tonight ,i will finish cleanup in the morning..found some contest for you too do and maybe find a freebie ot two...
Betty~Simply Southern
I got some info on this and have been checking it out.He has an awesome concept and one all of us can be invloved in,This is great.So read a little more ,click on the link and even watch the movie!Remember ,you pay what you think the movie is worth!And if you blog about this movie, you will receive a producer’s credit at the end of the movie.
Revolution ~be a part!
A RevoLOUtion in the Movie Industry ::::::::
How many times have you walked into a movie, paid the $10 or so and walked out thinking you just completely wasted your time and money? I know it has happened to me a few times…
Let’s face it - the current “pay as you go” model is not ideal. Fortunately, it looks like one person is determined to change that. His name is Bret Carr.
Bret Carr, star of the new movie, RevoLOUtion, plans to change that through a new model where you pay what you think the movie is worth.
Sounds risky, right? Well, yes. If this model proves to be successful, it could turn Hollywood upside down. Watch this:
I met Bret Carr when I was most recently in Las Vegas for Pubcon. Bret is an accomplished actor, director and producer and, like I mentioned, he is the star of RevoLOUtion.
What is RevoLOUtion About?
RevoLOUtion is about a man who makes an incredible transformation from violent, stuttering street fighter to powerful communicator. Believe it or not, the movie was shot over a ten-year time span!
Bret managed to get two Oscar winners to give him their time and effort for free in order to create the movie. The story of how RevoLOUtion came to be is just as amazing as the movie itself, if not more so! Bret Carr has overcome incredible obstacles in order to have RevoLOUtion come to fruition.
According to Bret:
RevoLOUtion” is a movie about the most powerful experience of my life - a Rite of Passage I went through that freed me from a lifetime of insantiy & manic depression (I had lost a family and a $250,000,000 fortune — yes, read the Backstory).* The writer of five-time Oscar winner, The Deer Hunter, found this process so powerful that he jumped on board (for free), helping me embed the Rite of Passage into “RevoLOUtion”, so others could have a similar experience just from watching.
What is also revolutionary about RevoLOUtion is that, unlike traditional movies in which you pay prior to entrance, with RevoLOUtion you only pay what you think the movie is worth, a model recently used in the recording industry by Radiohead.
This is an innovative new business model which, at to a recent showing of RevoLOUtion in Los Angeles, resulted in people paying MORE than what they would have paid if they were paying standard ticket prices.
You Can Get Involved
Earn a producer credit for the movie! To anyone who blogs about the film, you can earn a producer credit on film’s final release. You can learn more about earning the producer credit here.
Revolution ~be a part!
Chicanduntroubled contest
J Brand Jean “Lovestory” Giveaway
Happy Holidays! This month we’re giving away (one) pair of J Brand “Lovestory” jeans in dark wash. The jeans are super comfortable and will flatter all body types. These low waist flared legs, valued at $180, have been seen on everybody from Kate Moss to Lindsay Lohan, so expect to shine just as bright when you’re wearing your pair (or at least imagine)! The giveaway ends December 30, 12:00 midnight.
To enter the contest: click below to read more and enter!
Chicanduntroubled contest
Billy was so happy his mom was here when he woke up,this made his morning,and of course the note that santa and rudolph replied back too(thanks to julie..lol).
I sincerely hope each and every one of you have a happy,healthy,blessed christmas...
Time to relax a little tonight ,i will finish cleanup in the morning..found some contest for you too do and maybe find a freebie ot two...
Betty~Simply Southern
I got some info on this and have been checking it out.He has an awesome concept and one all of us can be invloved in,This is great.So read a little more ,click on the link and even watch the movie!Remember ,you pay what you think the movie is worth!And if you blog about this movie, you will receive a producer’s credit at the end of the movie.
Revolution ~be a part!
A RevoLOUtion in the Movie Industry ::::::::
How many times have you walked into a movie, paid the $10 or so and walked out thinking you just completely wasted your time and money? I know it has happened to me a few times…
Let’s face it - the current “pay as you go” model is not ideal. Fortunately, it looks like one person is determined to change that. His name is Bret Carr.
Bret Carr, star of the new movie, RevoLOUtion, plans to change that through a new model where you pay what you think the movie is worth.
Sounds risky, right? Well, yes. If this model proves to be successful, it could turn Hollywood upside down. Watch this:
I met Bret Carr when I was most recently in Las Vegas for Pubcon. Bret is an accomplished actor, director and producer and, like I mentioned, he is the star of RevoLOUtion.
What is RevoLOUtion About?
RevoLOUtion is about a man who makes an incredible transformation from violent, stuttering street fighter to powerful communicator. Believe it or not, the movie was shot over a ten-year time span!
Bret managed to get two Oscar winners to give him their time and effort for free in order to create the movie. The story of how RevoLOUtion came to be is just as amazing as the movie itself, if not more so! Bret Carr has overcome incredible obstacles in order to have RevoLOUtion come to fruition.
According to Bret:
RevoLOUtion” is a movie about the most powerful experience of my life - a Rite of Passage I went through that freed me from a lifetime of insantiy & manic depression (I had lost a family and a $250,000,000 fortune — yes, read the Backstory).* The writer of five-time Oscar winner, The Deer Hunter, found this process so powerful that he jumped on board (for free), helping me embed the Rite of Passage into “RevoLOUtion”, so others could have a similar experience just from watching.
What is also revolutionary about RevoLOUtion is that, unlike traditional movies in which you pay prior to entrance, with RevoLOUtion you only pay what you think the movie is worth, a model recently used in the recording industry by Radiohead.
This is an innovative new business model which, at to a recent showing of RevoLOUtion in Los Angeles, resulted in people paying MORE than what they would have paid if they were paying standard ticket prices.
You Can Get Involved
Earn a producer credit for the movie! To anyone who blogs about the film, you can earn a producer credit on film’s final release. You can learn more about earning the producer credit here.
Revolution ~be a part!
Chicanduntroubled contest
J Brand Jean “Lovestory” Giveaway
Happy Holidays! This month we’re giving away (one) pair of J Brand “Lovestory” jeans in dark wash. The jeans are super comfortable and will flatter all body types. These low waist flared legs, valued at $180, have been seen on everybody from Kate Moss to Lindsay Lohan, so expect to shine just as bright when you’re wearing your pair (or at least imagine)! The giveaway ends December 30, 12:00 midnight.
To enter the contest: click below to read more and enter!
Chicanduntroubled contest
The Christmas Story
This is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be with child through the Holy Spirit. Because Joseph her husband was a righteous man and did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly.
But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, "Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins."
All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: "The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel"--which means, "God with us."
When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife. But he had no union with her until she gave birth to a son. And he gave him the name Jesus.
After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, "Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him."
When King Herod heard this he was disturbed, and all Jerusalem with him. When he had called together all the people's chief priests and teachers of the law, he asked them where the Christ was to be born. "In Bethlehem in Judea," they replied, "for this is what the prophet has written: "'But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for out of you will come a ruler who will be the shepherd of my people Israel.'" Then Herod called the Magi secretly and found out from them the exact time the star had appeared. He sent them to Bethlehem and said, "Go and make a careful search for the child. As soon as you find him, report to me, so that I too may go and worship him."
After they had heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen in the east went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they were overjoyed.
On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh. And having been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, they returned to their country by another route.
When they had gone, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. "Get up," he said, "take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you, for Herod is going to search for the child to kill him."
So he got up, took the child and his mother during the night and left for Egypt, where he stayed until the death of Herod. And so was fulfilled what the Lord had said through the prophet: "Out of Egypt I called my son."
When Herod realized that he had been outwitted by the Magi, he was furious, and he gave orders to kill all the boys in Bethlehem and its vicinity who were two years old and under, in accordance with the time he had learned from the Magi. Then what was said through the prophet Jeremiah was fulfilled: "A voice is heard in Ramah, weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted, because they are no more."
After Herod died, an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt and said, "Get up, take the child and his mother and go to the land of Israel, for those who were trying to take the child's life are dead."
So he got up, took the child and his mother and went to the land of Israel. But when he heard that Archelaus was reigning in Judea in place of his father Herod, he was afraid to go there. Having been warned in a dream, he withdrew to the district of Galilee, and he went and lived in a town called Nazareth. So was fulfilled what was said through the prophets: "He will be called a Nazarene."
--Matthew 1:18 - 2:23 New International Version
Several thousand years ago,Jesus Christ came down to this earth in the form of a tiny little baby.From th moment he was born until the moment he was crucufied he had you and i on his mind.
He was born a baby,just like us,Yet when he died he was our Savior!He endured it all for you and i...
On this wonderful Christmas day,let us take a little time to remember him!!!
Make sure you tell your little ones the story of Jesus,and how much he loves us all,expecially the children..
He will never forget us,let us make sure we do not forget him....
Happy Birthday Jesus!!!!I love you and i thank you for everything you have done and will do for me and my loved ones....
Merry Christmas Everyone!May God watch over,protect,heal and bless us all...
Betty~~Simply Southern
i would like to say thank you to all these sites for the info i have used above...
Holy Days
saint max
The BibleRevival
But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, "Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins."
All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: "The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel"--which means, "God with us."
When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife. But he had no union with her until she gave birth to a son. And he gave him the name Jesus.
After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, "Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him."
When King Herod heard this he was disturbed, and all Jerusalem with him. When he had called together all the people's chief priests and teachers of the law, he asked them where the Christ was to be born. "In Bethlehem in Judea," they replied, "for this is what the prophet has written: "'But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for out of you will come a ruler who will be the shepherd of my people Israel.'" Then Herod called the Magi secretly and found out from them the exact time the star had appeared. He sent them to Bethlehem and said, "Go and make a careful search for the child. As soon as you find him, report to me, so that I too may go and worship him."
After they had heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen in the east went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they were overjoyed.
On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh. And having been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, they returned to their country by another route.
When they had gone, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. "Get up," he said, "take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you, for Herod is going to search for the child to kill him."
So he got up, took the child and his mother during the night and left for Egypt, where he stayed until the death of Herod. And so was fulfilled what the Lord had said through the prophet: "Out of Egypt I called my son."
When Herod realized that he had been outwitted by the Magi, he was furious, and he gave orders to kill all the boys in Bethlehem and its vicinity who were two years old and under, in accordance with the time he had learned from the Magi. Then what was said through the prophet Jeremiah was fulfilled: "A voice is heard in Ramah, weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted, because they are no more."
After Herod died, an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt and said, "Get up, take the child and his mother and go to the land of Israel, for those who were trying to take the child's life are dead."
So he got up, took the child and his mother and went to the land of Israel. But when he heard that Archelaus was reigning in Judea in place of his father Herod, he was afraid to go there. Having been warned in a dream, he withdrew to the district of Galilee, and he went and lived in a town called Nazareth. So was fulfilled what was said through the prophets: "He will be called a Nazarene."
--Matthew 1:18 - 2:23 New International Version
Several thousand years ago,Jesus Christ came down to this earth in the form of a tiny little baby.From th moment he was born until the moment he was crucufied he had you and i on his mind.
He was born a baby,just like us,Yet when he died he was our Savior!He endured it all for you and i...
On this wonderful Christmas day,let us take a little time to remember him!!!
Make sure you tell your little ones the story of Jesus,and how much he loves us all,expecially the children..
He will never forget us,let us make sure we do not forget him....
Happy Birthday Jesus!!!!I love you and i thank you for everything you have done and will do for me and my loved ones....
Merry Christmas Everyone!May God watch over,protect,heal and bless us all...
Betty~~Simply Southern
i would like to say thank you to all these sites for the info i have used above...
Holy Days
saint max
The BibleRevival
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Pics of My Grandson's ,Billy and Kolby!! MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE AND GOD BLESS!
I could not for some reason get the pics to load on my previous blog,so i had to do it this way..
Billy and Kolby are tucked warmly in bed,having dreams of surprizes and laughter no doubt.My brother robert came by tonight and we popped some fireworks.It is really too cold to stay out long,but they enjoyed it about 30 minutes!Ham is cooked and everything else ready to finish in the morning for dinner.Their mom rita,is suppose to be here in the morning before they wake to spend christmas with them.I pray for them she shows...
Adam came in tonight from upstate,our cousin,his wife is picking him up in the morning to be with them.Some of the family will come for dinner tomorrow ,but our extended family christmas dinner will be Saturday,,,,,
SOOOOOOOOOOO,i do hope you enjoy my pics,wanted to share with you....Dont Forget To Tell JESUS HAPPY BIRTHDAY~~~~
Here is my oldest grandson billy,on the night we decorated the tree....
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~This is a pic of my beautiful daughter in law julie ,with our youngest grandson kolby,they are hiding from the fireworks!lol...
Here is Kolby and Billy digging out their favorite fireworks!
Billy and Kolby are tucked warmly in bed,having dreams of surprizes and laughter no doubt.My brother robert came by tonight and we popped some fireworks.It is really too cold to stay out long,but they enjoyed it about 30 minutes!Ham is cooked and everything else ready to finish in the morning for dinner.Their mom rita,is suppose to be here in the morning before they wake to spend christmas with them.I pray for them she shows...
Adam came in tonight from upstate,our cousin,his wife is picking him up in the morning to be with them.Some of the family will come for dinner tomorrow ,but our extended family christmas dinner will be Saturday,,,,,
SOOOOOOOOOOO,i do hope you enjoy my pics,wanted to share with you....Dont Forget To Tell JESUS HAPPY BIRTHDAY~~~~
Here is my oldest grandson billy,on the night we decorated the tree....
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~This is a pic of my beautiful daughter in law julie ,with our youngest grandson kolby,they are hiding from the fireworks!lol...
Here is Kolby and Billy digging out their favorite fireworks!
Christmas~A time for Jesus,Love ,Laughter,Smiles,Family and Faith..
Hi readers!
First offf i'd like to thank my new visitor's whom have came by and emailed me.For some reason many like to email instead of comment,so i thought i'd take the time to say hello and thanks!
My immediate family will celebrate Christmas tomorrow,Christmas eve..I decided to do it this way to avoid all the running back and forth between homes for other family members.Just makes it too confusing and stressful.This way the grandkids spend the day together and wake up together,then be able to have a day at other family members home to share as well..
I wanted to share a few photos of the kids leading up to Christmas with all of you.I know later it will be very busy for me.The grands are excited and know presents are tomorrow.I also have the meal to begin preparing this evening into the night as well as some friends and family members will be tonight to pop fireworks.We live in the country so fireworks are ok to do ,and it rained last night so no fear of a fire...;)I just hope this north wind dies down so it won't be so very cold for the kids and mom outside to do it.Robert,my brother went and bought a lot of them last night and brought them down and put them away,well most of them.The kids talked him into popping a few last night..lol...
I will come on later today and write a little more,time permitting! lol....
Betty~Simply Southern
First offf i'd like to thank my new visitor's whom have came by and emailed me.For some reason many like to email instead of comment,so i thought i'd take the time to say hello and thanks!
My immediate family will celebrate Christmas tomorrow,Christmas eve..I decided to do it this way to avoid all the running back and forth between homes for other family members.Just makes it too confusing and stressful.This way the grandkids spend the day together and wake up together,then be able to have a day at other family members home to share as well..
I wanted to share a few photos of the kids leading up to Christmas with all of you.I know later it will be very busy for me.The grands are excited and know presents are tomorrow.I also have the meal to begin preparing this evening into the night as well as some friends and family members will be tonight to pop fireworks.We live in the country so fireworks are ok to do ,and it rained last night so no fear of a fire...;)I just hope this north wind dies down so it won't be so very cold for the kids and mom outside to do it.Robert,my brother went and bought a lot of them last night and brought them down and put them away,well most of them.The kids talked him into popping a few last night..lol...
I will come on later today and write a little more,time permitting! lol....
Betty~Simply Southern
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