I wish you a most blessed,healthy,bountiful new year!I know we are looking at a bleak economy through the eyes of most,but with careful planning,frugal spending and prayer,we will be ok...A few things i have decided to do a little different this year are...
1-pray more and read the bible more..Gods word is what will lead me...His words are alive and can help ,protect and lead me in the days ahead..Put God first and all the rest falls in place.
2=When the kids are here more one on one time with them.I spend a lot of time with my grands but it could be better quality time i think...
3=visit mom more often..the world is so busy and so are we but only i can slow down my life.
4-Buy all American made items.Me and hubby have agreed if at all possible to find what we need ,We buy ''MADE IN THE USA''.
5.-GET VEGGIES from the local gardeners more.
6.-have a better garden this year
7.=Tithe correctly
8.volunteer More when i can
9.finish the bathroom ;)
10.Open up some spaces in the yard.
11.-get rid of some things,if it ain't used in 6 months-GET IT OUT!
12.start making my handcrafted items again
13.Start my own giveaways on my blog..
14.Be a better friend,should always strive to be better and better-just like Jesus!
15.Use more coupons in my weekly grocery buying.I am a little limited because we have no nearby cvs,Kmart,etc..So walmart and dollar stores have to do.But i can do better on saving.
16.Tell my family daily i love them ..
17.Keep myself in better health,i have let myself get down and feel bad a lot of the time.At 45 i know i should not feel drained all the time.I am going more natural and organic.Once more hard to get some of the things i need here,but can be done.
18.Learn how to make my own meds from nature ,creme,cough syrup,etc,
19.learn how to make and use my own,soaps,dish wash,washing powder,etc.
20.Be a better blogger! ;)
Happy new year to all of you!!!!!!!!!
CONTEST AND GIVEAWAYS ON BOTTOM.REMEMBER TO RIGHT CLICK ON LINKS TO REMAIN ON THIS PAGE.Please take a moment to leave me a comment,i see on my tracker i have a good and steady flow of visitors but the comments have almost stopped.Please be kind and leave me a note,i do enjoy reading them .and know you are getting use of my work ...thank you very kindly..
Betty r~Simply Southern
Hunting Paradise Through,God ,GrandKids ,whippoorwills and firefly's!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CONTEST AND GIVEAWAYS!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
nursemommy07 win this shaw! has the most beautiful shaw up for grabs!check it out...
The shawl is reversible and will keep you looking really sharp! It can be dressed up or down and I personally love it with a pair of jeans and a cami underneath. It is handcrafted from Pashmina and silk. There are so many cute ways to wear this shawl as well! That is the neatest thing to me. Wear it as a bulky scarf, a shirt, or even a throw over. The best part for a woman that loves color like me is that it comes in 110 different colors!
Nimli is kind enough to offer one of my readers their very own pashmina shawl in the beautiful pearl color! This color goes so perfectly with just about anything.

Just look what the soothie ranch has for you!!

Remember her new years bash is going on so don't miss out!ends jan 18th!
thenotsoblog has some exciting news coming up for all of us!On January 5th, we will be kicking off the party with some awesome birthday themed giveaways! Each day, a new giveaway will be posted on both blogs. Follow the instructions on the post which will direct you to party place of the day where you can enter to win!Head over and see what you need to do to join in!

While you are there enter for these cuties for the little ones in your life!i know charlie and summer would be sooooooo cute in them..
thenotsoblog win Bandeez
From the website: "LemonHead Apparel was founded out of sheer frustration with the hair accessories we were purchasing for our children. Our little two-year-old loved taking her hair clips out and apart during nap-time, her favorite was pulling the embellishments off and peeling the decorative ribbon from the metal clip - IT WAS GETTING EXPENSIVE AND JUST HAD TO STOP!!!We couldn't find a structurally sound clip that stayed in our daughter's fine hair, so after months of trial and error we finally came up with a clip she couldn't destroy and stayed put. VoilĂ , Clipeez were born!!"
And soon after, Bandeez, a non-slip, fully adjustable headband joined the product line. The accessory line has become so popular that she now employs 14 stay at home Moms!
wanna win it????Contest ends January 4 at 11:59pm CST
thenotsoblog precious girls giveaway-ends jan 3rd!
afroginmysoup.com has 5 Sinupret for Kids gift packs that include:
a sample of Sinupret
a copy of Dr. Sears’ book, The Healthiest Kid in the Neighborhood
Children’s Yellow Binoculars
Activity books
Sinupret Stickers

Please Pray for Baby Stellan
December 29th, 2008
I would like to ask all of you to pray for an 8 week old baby boy who is fighting for his life against RSV!
Stellan was admitted to his local PICU (pediatric intensive care unit) late this morning with RSV. He’s truly having a difficult time with it right now and the doctors are constantly evaluating him to determine if he needs to be on a ventilator.
Please be sure to visit
my charming kids to get all the latest information and to find out how you can be praying for Stellan and his family right now!!!
***********my note**************
For some reason the picture will not open,he is a very sick little baby,please take time to click on my charming kids above and pray for him!
Are you Eco-Friendly? Love reused items, and earth savey. These are the coolest bags! They are reused from Coffee Burlap!This large bag is 15 inches wide by 15 inches tall. These bags come with the Grower Logos - these are the unique logos each grower uses to show where the beans came from. How awesome is that! See how neat that name is too lol .Re-JAVA-nate
Guess how much these bags cost! 100$? 50$? 20? Nope still go lower. Yes i said LOWER.
6.50 to 9.00. How is that for a BARGIN! Plus you can have the inside lined with recycled Canvas! A really nice bag for a great price. You just cant pass this up.
want to win one? clicky here>> barefoot-mommy giveaway
barefoot-mommy=Mr Bobbles Blankets Giveaway ends 1/14
barefoot-mommy=Lucky Me Tee is offering one lucky BarefootMommy a chance to win their own Lucky Me Tee.
click nowends jan 14th
sponsored by luckymetee
barefoot-mommy-win a pop-tot-hurry ends jan 13th!
This product is Awesome mommies!!! I know you all are saying, but i bought my daughter a great jumper, and i bought my son this new excersaucer. Well let me ask you a question...how portable is that thing lol. Ya i dont see you throwing it in your car for a beach trip anytime soon. Well now you can!!! This is called the PopATot. Its so simple to set up and take down.
Oh..moms...im NOT lying. Its a one step process.. You take it out of the bag...and your done lol.popatot
Its so easy! You can do it one handed. Yes i am that confident in this product!
Oh and one more thing...you know how you get something that has a carry bag..and you open the item, and then you go to put it back in that amazing small carry bag and your cursing with every word you know. Well bless these designers..IT FITS LOL and easy as pie too!!
So for your next trip to the beach, to grandmas, or up your local mountain ( hey some parents are travelers!) this is definately the item you need for ease, durability, helpfullness!
Jack and Lily is very generous to mom-bloggers. They have offered to give away one pair of their shoes, winners pick of any style, to one My Organized Chaos readers!ends jan 10
my organized chaos-offering one My Organized Chaos reader the chance to win a $10 Starbucks gift card.
Contest will end January 7/2008-

1 comment:
Thanks for sharing these! Feel free to enter the giveaway on my blog too.
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